New Member FAQ

What is is a one stop place where you will all information about Rajasthan state and anything related to Rajasthan. One place where you will find information which a resident, non resident Rajasthanis and non Rajasthani of Rajasthan always like to have on his hand tips or on click when needed. This site is intensive maintained by a group of Rajasthan people. In this Website you will find information related to Train, Bus, Hospitals, Business Directory, Classified, Jobs, Matrimonials, Cab service, Air serivce and many more information we look for.

Is there a joining Fees?
No. There are no joining fees.

What are Membership Levels ?
Based on the total points earned by a member, we promote members to various levels like Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Platinum etc. Higher level members enjoy additional benefits like automatic approval of their content, annual bonus, profit share etc.
Membership Levels points
MembersShip LevelsPoints
Bronze0 - 49 points
Silver50 - 499 points
Gold 500 - 4999 points
Diamond5000 - 24999 points
Platinum25000 and above

Can I make money from
Sure, you can make money from That completely depends on how much time you can spend. Members can make money through this website. Yet, you cannot make a full time money or quick from this website. Not only pays you for your posting, you can also earn revenue from one of the leading revenue generator “Google Adsense”.

How much money can I make from here?
Posting in is just a part time work which you can do in your leisure time, not making it full fledged job. You can be an active member on the website and earn revenue, cash credits for it.
1. Earn Cash Credits directly from by posting in various section
2. Earn Google advertising revenue share through us. In general, you will get 90% of the Google Ad revenue from the content you post here.

What are Cash Credits?
Cash credit is displayed in your profile. This is the amount that you earn from posting in in certain section, where cash credits is allocated. These are updated automatically and once the respective editor allocates it.

How can I receive my payment?
Once you have reached the payout limit in The management will contact you and gather some information from you related to the payout.If I copy information or article from other websiteYou are not allowed to copy any content from any website, as the article will fall under the copyright category and the article will deleted from the website.

What is difference between Points and Cash credits?
Points are the one which you earn by posting in different section. These are not equal or calculated as cash credit in your account. Allocation points will increase your membership level, which will help you in future. Cash credit is amount that you earn while posting which allocated by the respective editor. Cash will be paid to you when you reach the payout limit.

How are points allocation done?
SectionWho will DecideSectionDefault Points
ResourceEditorAdd a Buddy1 point
Resource ResponsesEditorRefer a Friend25 points
ForumsEditorBookmarks2 points
Forums ResponsesEditorBookmarks Comments1 point
Special CreditsEditorPhotos5 points
LinksEditorVideos5 points
ReviewsEditorJobs10 points
Business DirectoryEditorTags0.5 points
ClassifiedsEditorJoin a Community5 points (Max 250)
CommunitiesMembers JoinedPolls5 points
  Poll Votes1 point

Can I write / post in different Language?
Currently we have only English as the standard language for posting. In future we will integrate, where in you can write in different language.

Who approves / reject the content posted in
There is team of members who looks into each and every post, posted by the member, any kind of duplication or information missing is notified to the member. If the information posted is not valid or not posted by following the guidelines. The respective editor has complete right to reject it.

Does this site really pays or it is fake site?
It is 100% genuine website which pays you for your self written contribution to different sections. Copied contents are not allowed and deleted immediately.

How to join and start making money?
Here are the steps to participate in

  • Register as a member on

  • Introduce yourself in our forum section. You will get a warm welcome from the active community members.

  • Post articles get some referrals.

  • Actively participate in forums.

  • If I have any questions, who should I contact?,
    Simply post it in the Forum section. We will answer your question as soon as possible. If you have any technical Problem then please contact us through the “Contact Us” link in the left panel.

    Why my Article was rejected?
    Articles are reviewed by Editors manually and every article is approved when it follows the guidelines:Article Guidelines

    How to get maximum Cash credit?
    You can get maximum cash when your articles have:
  • Detailed information on the topic

  • Presentation

  • Proper explanation

  • Proper English Grammar

  • Proper Title keywords that search engine understands better

  • Use of images

  • Self-written

  • Can I become an editor in ?
    Editors are recruited by lead editors, site coordinator and webmasters on need basis. From time to time, we add additional editors to our team to support our fast growth. Please find more details about Editor Hiring Process